ade Ecommerce (“jade”) is a limited liability company incorporated in Hong Kong for the purpose of carrying out the vast business interests of its owner and partners.
The proprietors of the company and of the venture it is set out to perform, are with vast and diverse business experience ranging from Real Estate, Technology, pharmaceuticals and more.
Established in 2016, first order of business for jade is to engage in the Japanese health market with the emphasis on the unique Japanese regulations with regards to importation of pharmaceutical products.
Jade has formed a subsidiary named Life plus Ecommerce (“lifeplus”), incorporated in Japan, for the purpose of acting as a money collecting agent and a local representative for the interests of its parent company.
随后,Jade成立了子公司 — Life plus Ecommerce (简称“lifeplus”),作为在日本的收款方和总公司Jade在日本的代理人。
With over $500,000 investment, the proprietors have also engaged with various customer service providers throughout south-east Asia for the establishment of a Japanese language call center for its customer service.